Meaning of “Bells in Santa Fe” by Halsey

Written By Michael Miller

Michael is a music teacher and professional cellist. He loves uncovering the deeper meaning of popular songs.

“Bells in Santa Fe” by Halsey delves deep into the transient nature of life and relationships. The song is a poignant reminder that everything we experience is temporary. It seemingly explores themes of abandonment and departure, coupled with a sense of forewarning to not await a happy ending. Halsey, through a mix of vivid imagery and metaphor, confronts themes of betrayal and unfulfillment. The inclusion of powerful references hints at internal struggles and seeks to evoke a sense of introspection regarding one’s own existence. The phrase “All of this is temporary” is a recurring reminder of the fleeting aspects of life.

Dive in to unravel the complex themes, metaphors, and emotions encapsulated in this song’s lyrics.

“Bells in Santa Fe” Lyrics Meaning

“Bells in Santa Fe” invites listeners into a world of contemplation about the impermanence of life. The repetition of “All of this is temporary” underscores the transient nature of experiences, emotions, and relationships. The notion of slipping away unnoticed signifies a silent departure from a relationship. It’s a poignant reflection on leaving without causing a stir, highlighting the pain and acceptance within such a departure.

The song paints a picture of abandonment and fleetingness with “Secondhand thread / In a second-hand bed / With a second man’s head.” These lines depict a scenario laced with remnants of past relationships and unfulfilled desires. The idea of being “Better off dead” suggests a profound internal struggle, possibly battling with one’s own demons and contemplating existential thoughts.

The chorus pleads, “Don’t wait for me”, hinting at the futile hope for a happy ending. It speaks volumes about managing expectations and understanding the reality of endings in relationships, perhaps serving as a warning to the listener.

Moreover, the mention of “Jesus” and “Judas” introduces elements of betrayal and forgiveness. It cleverly compares the singer’s lips to Judas’s, alluding to the infamous kiss of betrayal, while also juxtaposing it with Jesus’s need for a “three-day weekend” to sort out his issues, portraying the human need for solitude and reflection.

The vivid imagery and the philosophical undertones of the lyrics blend seamlessly, producing a meditative state on the impermanent essence of life. The subtle intricacies of the song generate a range of interpretations, allowing listeners to derive personal meanings and reflections from it.

This amalgamation of potent lyrics and intricate symbolism yields a multi-dimensional perspective on existence, relationships, and self-awareness, prompting listeners to dive deep into their psyche to discern the transient nature of life and love.

Why Was “Bells in Santa Fe” Written?

Understanding the context and the emotional state of Halsey during the writing of “Bells in Santa Fe” provides a profound layer to the song’s interpretation. The song seems to reflect a period of introspection and realization about the temporariness of life and relationships. It’s a narrative of coming to terms with the inevitable changes and departures that life entails.

The emotional depth and the existential themes evident in the song might be a manifestation of Halsey’s own experiences and contemplations. The introspective nature of the lyrics reveals a possible search for meaning and understanding in a world marked by transient moments and fleeting connections.

This song, replete with metaphors and reflections, might be Halsey’s way of expressing internal conflicts and musings about the world, possibly serving as a cathartic release for the complex emotions entangled within. The nuanced exploration of such profound themes resonates deeply, inviting listeners to reflect on their own experiences and understandings of impermanence and existence.